Spring is here and the fish have turned on!!! This is my favorite time of year to fish the bay, because the entire area is alive with life. The fish are chewing, the birds are chirping and the weather is mild and warm.

Snook have made their migration out of the backcountry and are on the move toward our local passes and beaches. They are staging up in their usually spring areas before the head to the beaches and are eating with great regularity. I have been using live whitebait, rigged on a 2/0 circle hook and 25lb. leader. Most of the fish have been averaging 20 to 25 inches with the occasional fish over 30. I have been targeting deep mangrove shorelines adjacent to backcountry areas and the fish have been stacking up as they transition to the beaches.

Redfish have schooled up and are feeding aggressively around the major and minor solunar periods. I have been free-lining live whitebait around mullet schools in the Ft. Desoto area and the fish have been averaging 24 to 30 inches. These fish are very spooky and there are normally lots of boats out there trying for the same fish, so be courteous and move around slowly and there should be plenty of fish for everyone.

Trout have also come back strong to our area. I have caught 2 Trout within the past week that have been over 25 inches and 5lbs. The Trout have been mixed in with the mullet schools and have been tearing up live whitebait fished under corks. They key to this type of fishing is the mullet. Move around until you find mullet and then quietly stop the boat and start pitching baits into the school. Fresh cutbait also works well for this type of fishing. A little patience and some great catches can be had.

Spring is a great time of year in the bay area. Take the family out and try some of these tactics and I am sure you will put some fish in the boat.

Fish Species: Snook, Redfish, Trout
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About The Author: Captain Rob Salimbene

Company: Mangrove Man Charters

Area Reporting: Tampa Bay, Fl

Bio: My name is Rob Salimbene and I am coast guard licensed and certified captain. I grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where most of my early fishing was done on trout streams and Lake Erie. My love for fishing was developed through many fishing trips with my Grandfather, who was kind enough to pass on his love of fishing to me. My saltwater experience was honed fishing the offshore waters of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina for dolphin, tuna, wahoo, and more. I moved to Florida to further my education and truly fell in love with the state and the fishing possibilities. I feel that in the United States there is no better inshore saltwater fishing than right here in Florida. Growing up I always dreamed of becoming a fishing guide so with every passing day I feel I am truly living a dream.

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain Rob Salimbene