In the 25 years of fishing Mosquito Lagoon, I cannot remember so many schools of black drum on our flats. Every year they show up, but not in quantities like this.

Scouting with 2 other guides monday for upcoming charters, we boated 4 up to 9 pounds and lost around 5 or 6 by the hook shaking free. Cut blue crab and jumbo shrimp, dead or alive, thrown in the schools has worked well. Dropping the Power - Pole and being patient is key. The drum are moving across the flats, so sitting and letting them come to you is what we've been doing. You'll go sometimes 15 minutes without seeing any then all of a sudden out of nowhere they move right to the boat moving pretty quickly to the north. We have had triple hook ups on charters this week.

Redfish are scattered with the high water but when you find them, it's a mixed size to em'. One will be 22 inches, the next one you hook will be well over size. Go with cut mullet or ladyfish in areas where the reds have'nt been able to get to. With the high water there's plenty of ground to cover.

I still have a few days open in September so give me a call for some Mosquito Lagoon fishing!

- Captain Jeff

Fish Species: black drum &redfish
Bait Used: live shrimp / cut mullet
Tackle Used:
Method Used:
Water Depth: 2 feet
Water Temperature:
Wind Direction: North east
Wind Speed: 10 - 15 knots

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About The Author: Captain Jeff Dorobiala

Company: Reel Shallow Charters

Area Reporting: Mosquito Lagoon

Bio: Growing up on the east coast of Florida I started fishing at a very early age mostly on the inshore waters of the Indian River Lagoon. Now with the experience of learning every corner of the back waters and fish behavior patterns, I am a full time fishing guide on the Mosquito Lagoon. Besides writing monthly fishing reports for my website, Coastal Angler Magazine, and various other organizations, I also enjoy working with and am on the pro staff for Rip Tide Lures, High Roller Lures, Berkley, Pure Fishing, Daiichi Hooks, and Costa Del Mar Sunglasses. Capt. Jeff Dorobiala

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain Jeff Dorobiala