I hope this note finds you and the family enjoying this summer as much as we are. Maggie turned one in April and I'm finding out what you' all said is true; "it goes by fast". I am working on the balance of a dedicated fishing guide and dedicated husband and daddy. This has been one of my best fishing and guiding years yet. I really enjoying the diversity and imagination this "big water year" is forcing us to have. The date on the calendar April 29th, OPENING DAY was just another day that hundreds of people come to the Eastern Sierra. Opening day to us isn't a date but a time for us. Opening day is when our rivers, lakes and steams become ripe not legal. The cool part of big winter years is the waters will become fishable throughout the season. These are some examples what we are looking forward too; -The Callibaetis hatches (big'ol Mayfly) on Twin Lakes, Grant Lake, Crowley Lake and the Bridgeport reservoir… (happening now)
When the weeds become more defined and the trout start hunting perch fry on Crowley Lake and Bridgeport Reservoir…. (With-in weeks) -The gin clear waters of the San Joaquin become slow again and its angry trout eat our dry flies…. (with-in weeks) -Overnight camping trips and fishing on warm summer nights in our Bishop drainage lakes (Sabrina, North Lake, and South Lake) … (happening now) -When Hot creek water turns clear and pretty much weed free, and a smorgasbord of bugs we haven't seen in years are hatching prolifically (P.M.D. and Green Drake) along with Yellow Sallies and Caddis Flies….(happening now) -The last hours of the day the trout crash on defenseless Caddis flies trying to make it to shore on the East Walker and Lower Owens…(happening now) ……Just a few examples of the Eastern Sierra Opener are all about, happening this summer (I won't get into the fall). We have a lot to look forward too; we hope you make it up.