Pulled the Dungeness pots first for 32 crab, not knowing what the weather would do. The weather stayed good despite the forecast, we saw birds and bait at 2 3/4 miles and started trolling. Lost the first fish to a furbag. Not an auspicious start to the day. Landed a nice 14 pounder, then shortly after another the same size. Lots of birds and bait, humpback whales galore. Areas of bait were top to bottom in 170 to 190 feet of water. Hooked a real nice 25 poound salmon, while fighting that one, another gets hooked that went 26 pounds. The 26 pound fish acted as if it didn't know it was hooked. It came right to the boat and was on the deck before the other fish was even close. Captured one more. Had lots of 'hit & runs' as well as many scratched baits that happened without notice. We went through many trays of bait. Finished the crab limits, and got some Coonstripe Shrimp as well. We never got 7 miles from the Green #3 buoy.