We were supposed to fish the Fluke Masters today, but alas I got called into work on Friday night and had to work till 0800. Capt Mike got called into work and could not fish at all.
Called Jeff at the Fire House and told him we would not be in the Tournament.
Told Matt to be up and ready to go at 0830 this morning and we would go out...got home this morn and Matt was snoring. Buy the time i got him up and going, got the boat gassed and picked up the bait and ice were broke into the bay at 0945.
Usual Fluke ground looked like a parking lot, in fact some places it looked like they were playing bumper boats.
Headed outside away from the Fleet, made a couple drifts and picked up a 22" Fluke a few shorts and some birds.
Made the decission to run to a couple spots in NY waters.....right move.
Sifted through a lot of fish that would have been keepers in NJ, but we finished with 8 more keepers (all over 21") the largest going a tad over 7 lbs. Would have made the top 4 in the tournament with what we had, oh well. Always next year
Was greated to a welcome site on the way in Fish & Game had a group in a rental boats with numerous short Fluke........way to go guys, kudo's for sure
A great day on the water with Matt