Some Common Glossary Terms of Bass Fishing
Every now and then in bass fishing terminology stands in our way of communicating so I thought I would expand some of the glossary of terms common to many bass fisherman.
Baitcast reel - revolving spool fishing reel mounted above the rod
Bed fishing - the tactic of fishing for bass that are holding on or near spawning beds
Breakline - an area of transition from one depth to another, one cover type to another, one water temperature to another, one water color to another, one substrate to another
Bucketmouth - slang term for largemouth bass
Community hole - a well-known and frequently fished area where numerous anglers have had success
Countdown lure - a lure that sinks in the water at a predictable rate
Deadsticking - technique by which bait is cast and allowed to lie motionless for long periods of time
Downsize - to scale down tackle or lures for a more finesse approach
Dropoff - an abrupt change in bottom contour, typically at the juncture of a flat and channel a ledge
Flat an expanse of bottom with relatively little change in bottom contour or water depth
Jump fishing the practice of targeting schooling fish that are obviously feeding on baitfish near the surface
Ripping - retrieve technique frequently used for jerk-baits in which the lure is violently and rapidly pulled forward
Stickbait - a hard or soft lure that is generally long and slender and designed to emulate a baitfish
Strike zone - the area around an individual bass in which the fish will strike a lure
Wacky rig - rigging method by which a soft plastic bait is hooked through the middle and fished without a weight
These are just some of the many commonly used terms, I hope they help you better understand the sport of bass fishing!
Commonly Used Bass Fishing Terms
Posted: 07/26/2008
![Mike Gerry](/images/guides/mike-gerry.jpg)