April 6
Today we started out fishing with farther and son teams starting with John and John from the state of Washington and Barry and his son Tom from Minnesota and Dave and his son John from Ohio.
We started out trolling the reef with 3 lines running down about 45 feet and 3 more baits skipping across the surface. Trolling turned out to be on the slow side this morning catching only a couple of bonitos and John the son from Washington ended up landing a big barracuda.
Ok time to try for sea monsters and that was just what we did.
In came all the trolling gear and out went the kites with live and dead baits suspended from them along with a couple of big shark baits down deep.
At first kite fish was a bit of a struggle due to the lack of wind but then out of no where came this big fin rocketing toward our dead bait that was suspended from the kite.
The line popped pout of the kite the rod bent over and line was just screaming off the reel like a fright train was on the other end. The bite had happen so fast that while we knew it was a shark we were not sure what kind we had on or should I say what kind of shark had John on. (LOL)
It was a 25 min back and forth tug a war but at last John got this big hammerhead shark to the boat.
J.J. slid him in the boat for a quick measurement and a couple of photos and than he was released back into the sea to fight again another day.
Nice going John.
After some high fiving and some hand shaking back out went the baits and sooner than we thought up popped this sail fish and this time Dave jumped in the chair and once again the fight was on. It was a back and forth fight for a good 10 to 15 min till at last Dave had his first sailfish next to the boat.
We took a couple of quick photos of his catch next to the boat than J.J. cut the leader as close to the sails mouth as he could without hurting this beautiful fish.
What an action packed morning of deep-sea fishing off the coast of Fort Lauderdale aboard the Hooked Up.
John and John we are looking forward to fishing with you guys again tomorrow and to the rest of our angler's thanks again for a fun morning of fishing.
As we got back to the dock we had our afternoon trip eager to give their luck a shot aboard the Hooked Up.
We had Jeff and Kimberly from Houston Texas Anita and Russ from Tulsa Oklahoma and David and Marcia also from Tulsa Oklahoma.
This trip we went right to kite fishing wasting no time trolling the reef and while it took a bit of waiting it all came together at once with Kimberly and Anita both hooking into a couple of sailfish at the same time.
Talk about hours of boredom interrupted by moments of panic and chaos!!
What a ball with both fish jumping all over the place at the same time and both girls hooting and hollering at the same time as the waves were crashing over the back of the boat as we were backing down.
Well both girls hung in there and a good 25 to 30 min Kimberly got her fish next to the boat. We got a couple of photos of her sail-fish and watched him swim away in good shape as we were still fighting Anita's fish.5 min later Anita's sail-fish was next to the boat.
We ended our trip with nothing less than a GREAT time aboard the Hooked Up.
WOW April is off to a great start and the hottest fishing of the year always seems to start on tax day the 15th of April. I don't know how it can get much better but stay tuned for some more great fishing trips aboard the hooked Up off the coast of Fort Lauderdale.
Captain Taco (954) 764-4344 or toll free @ (877) SEA-4344
April 7
So today once again we had farther and son team John and john from Washington State along with Bob and Cindy from Ohio and another father and son team Dan and his son Cole from Wisconsin.
We started out trolling the reef with our 2 planner boards running about 45 feet deep along with 3 more baits skipping across the surface.
Today finally the reef was producing plenty of king fish and bonitos and everyone had caught fish pretty much one after another.
Ok so now we had caught plenty and it was time to try for the BIG one.
So in came the trolling gear and out went the shark baits.
At this point we were running short on time due to our next charter and we were already on borrowed time.
We had already started clearing the line when BAM the big rod bent over and line started peeling off the reel.
Cole jumped in the chair and J.J. put a lot of drag on the reel and we were off trying to catch this big shark real quick.
That's just what we did and I've got to give credit to Cole he was really putting it to this shark and within 7 to 10 min up popped this big hammer head shark. J.J. reached out and took our lead off the leader and got a hold of the leader and started pulling this big fresh shark to the side of the boat. That's when everything went to hell in about a milla second. All @ once this fish took off to the other side of the boat and J.J. had to let go of the leader and the second it came tight SNAP CRACKLE BAM the line broke.
The truth is we really rushed it and the fish was still so full of life and not the least bit worn out and well all I can say is RATS.
Cole you did a great job it was just one of those things.
The good news was I did manage to get kind of an ok shot with my camera.
As we got back to the dock with seconds to spare we loaded on our afternoon trip Cindy from North Carolina, Bonita from St Louis and Brain from Baltimore Marry Land.
We went right to trolling looking for some king fish but this afternoon the reef kind of shut down and all we caught on the reef was a bonito so we headed off shore trolling the edge of the Gulf Stream and found 4 nice dolphin fish.
Thanks again to all of our anglers today.
Captain Taco (954) 764-4344 or toll free @ (877) SEA-4344
April 8,
Today we had one guy that went out fishing with us for just a few hours in the morning.
And I've got to say that this Greg from New York had been on 2 other charter the last couple of days and had yet to catch a fish.
He thought that if he chartered the boat himself for just a few hours he would have a much better shot @ catching a few fish.
And that's just what happen. We started out trolling the reef catching bonitos and kingfish pretty much one after another along with 4 nice dolphin fish to boot.
As it turned out Greg had such a good time that as we pulled back to the dock to pick up our after noon trip we set Greg up with one of my friends on the dock and he went right back out fishing aboard the FoxSea and caught a few more fish.
Greg thanks again for spending the morning fishing with us aboard the Hooked Up and we'll see you again soon.
Captain Taco (954) 764-4344 or toll free @ (877) SEA-4344
April 9
Today we started out fishing with mom and dad Shellie and Ted and their son Patrick all from Chicago.
We trolled from 90 feet of water out to 350 feet of water picking at the fish pretty much the whole time catching Some dolphin fish, a few black fin tunas and a hand full of bonitos.
As we got back to the dock we had Teddy, Jimmy and Andy from Long island eager to give luck a shot at a bit of deep sea fishing aboard the Hooked Up along with Joe and Josh from Tenn.
We started out trolling the reef catching a box full of bonitos I don't even know how many but we caught more than enough bonitos.
Than we went trolling out in deeper water and got lucky and boated a couple dolphin fish along with a couple of black fin tunas.
Thanks again to all of our anglers today for fishing with us off the coast of Fort Lauderdale.
Captain Taco (954) 764-4344 or toll free @ (877) SEA-4344
April 10
Today we had a shared charter with Sophia from Miami and her dad Sayed from California and Amy and Scott from Osceola Wisconsin and Betsy and Mike from Boston.
We started out trolling to the south with 2-planner board running about 45 feet down along with 3 baits skipping across the surface.
Reef fishing turned out to be on the slow side today so we switched from trolling to trying some wreck fishing. We caught a few small bonitos and we sent them back out over the wreck and then fishing came to life.
Scott ended up catching a big barracuda while Sayed landed a nice amber jack along with Betsy also landed a nice amber jack but Mike from Boston blew everyone away with a MONSTER 100 pound amber jack.
Guy's sorry things started out so slow but one hell of a fishing trip once we found the fish. Thanks again to all of you this morning.
As we got back to the dock we had our afternoon trip with Anthony his girlfriend Aaron a guy also named Aaron and Jamie and Sara all from Florida.
We knew after fishing this morning what we were going to do this afternoon and sure enough the jacks were still biting where we left them and these guys ended up pulling 3 big jacks out of the same wreck we had fished this morning.
Thank god for the wreck fishing today it was a blast watching everyone wrestle with these strong big fish one after another.
And spring is just getting started so stay tuned for some more great fishing reports out of the Hooked Up off the coast of South Florida.
Captain Taco (954) 764-4344 or toll free @ (877) SEA-4344
Ft Lauderdale Fishing RED HOT Big Jacks Sharks Sailfish and more Hooked Up
Posted: 04/17/2011
![Luis Perez](/images/guides/luis-perez.jpg)