How to Fish a Spinner Bait
As we approach post spawn fishing there is no presentation that survived the test of time like rolling a spinner bait during this post spawn time. Bass become active, they chase and start to feed and heal from the spawn. The activity picks up and some of the best fishing of the year becomes front and center for at least four weeks in the south.
The key to fishing a spinner bait is understanding what you are trying to accomplish with this bait; what are you trying to emulate, how do you get the bass to react to it and what body parts play into the presentation. I know the easy answer is I am trying a catch fish; yes this is true but the real truth is your working this bait to get the bass to see it as a small group of bait fish pulling through cover and creating reaction from feeding bass. As you work your spinner bait you should always be conscious of the fact that your emulating a small group of bait, this will make it easier to get the bait to move and fall or drop in and around cover like stumps or grass.
Getting reactions now becomes easier as you start to consider what the bait must do to get the reaction bite. Groups of bait move irregularly they stop they hide in cove they move quickly, slowly and sharply around cover to avoid being a meal. This must be accomplished with a spinner bait by speeding it up, slowing it down, stopping it dropping it and letting it kick of the bottom or move quickly over the top of cover. Doing this requires you to be creative wit your retrieve; you just can’t reel the bait you must think of what it is doing, and make it create a bite. This is accomplished with your wrist most of the time when fishing a spinner bait. Your wrist can easily help you create the movement just by moving your wrist back and forth during the retrieve. You can also do this by bringing your arms close into your body and letting the bait work through cover like grass by slow rolling it and popping it when it hangs in the cover.
Fish Lake Guntersville Guide Service
Call: 256 759 2270
Capt. Mike Gerry