I have over the past years seemed to develop some strong likes and dislikes for summertime baits. The first of my summertime loves is a big Mister Twister 11 inch worm, this bait presented in a swim pattern has been extremely effective for me. I like it in red or June-bug color rigged with a big 6 aught hook and a 1/8 oz. sinker. Slowly moving this over the grass is a deadly combination for me. Next is top water, no bait over time has proved to be more versatile and deadly on top as the Zara Spook. It's versatile, you can move it quickly or slowly, it comes in different sizes and colors and you can use it in the sun or early in the morning.
Thirdly is a Tight-Line jig, used to flip the grass, work the edges or fished deep in 15 to 20 feet of water; a jig proves to be a big fish catching machine every summer. The greatest thing about a jig is that this bait can be effective in every summer time pattern you can think of. I know of no bait that proves itself in every possible pattern like a jig.
Next is a 6 to 10 foot running crank bait, I like this bait late in the summer as the shad spawn seem to make the crank bait like the #5 shad rap extremely effective especially if your looking to catch numbers.
Last is a Carolina Rig, from the deeper edges to the skinny grass a Carolina rig is always great summertime bait. This bait with slow movement and long leaders can catch suspending fish, or can be fished in 25 foot of water dragging up ledges and grass line breaks. It is also a great bait to pull across a deep point when the bass are relating to the deeper points on the lake by dragging it perpendicular across a deep points!