What is Lure Presentation
Over time fishing has become as technical as everything else we do in life now-a-days, we have terms for everything and presentation is one term that confuses and bewilders the average fisherman. I get all kinds of questions about presentation, what does it mean? How do you change presentations? And then the most confusion seems to be well when you change baits is that changing presentation? So let me see if I can clear all this presentation stuff up!
When you present baits in front of fish, it has been termed lured presentation! Every time you change the way you are reeling from slow rolling the bait, speed reeling the bait or dropping the bait is changing your presentation! So the technique you use becomes part of the presentation you are using while fishing. Yes; different baits can be presented in many different ways in front of fish.
Let's take the old fashion rattle bait: there are many different presentations that can be used while fishing rattle baits. Many people present it by speed reeling it, meaning that your winding that reel as fast as you can. This is one presentation of many that can be used while fishing rattle baits. Another presentation is to slowly tick the bottom with it and when it appears to hang up rip it off the bottom, causing a reaction from the fish. A third way is to yo-yo the bait, this presentation is also different in how it affects the fish. Point being that all baits are different and you can present different baits in many ways and you as a fisherman must be able to change presentation not only by changing baits but by changing the way it is fished. Today's fisherman has to be sophisticated enough to take any bait in there tackle box and make a fish bite it through what has been termed presentation. When you can accomplish this, you become a good fisherman and probably have separated yourself from others.
Fish Lake Guntersville Guide Service
Email: bassguide@comcast.net
Call: 256 759 2270
Captain Mike Gerry