The first week in March I had a different kind of trip. So many times we concentrate on the big stuff. The sailfish, dolphin, swordfish and sharks. And sometimes we are trying so hard and doing everything we can but they don't cooperate. It can get stressful for us and the charter. Imagine this scenario, you've chartered a boat and your two boys and one girl have never seen the Atlantic let alone caught a fish. How exciting. You pull out of the Marina the ocean is beautiful. The seagulls follow your wake after the flying fish that scatter from the boat. The ocean turns from a inshore green to a beautiful blue. Everything looks and feels right. You know this is your family's day. You pull up to the bait hole and the first mate lowers the chumbag into the water and within minutes here they come. Speedos, blue runners, seargent majors, bally hoos and small snappers. Trigger fish and so on and so on. Each of the kids is handed a small rod and the fun begins. One after another they come, all shapes and all sizes and most important all smiles. Then we pull out and head farther offshore to go for the glory but it doesn't happen. Not the first hour. And not the second. Your half day is running low on time the kids are getting restless. Maybe even cranky. The captain says hold on it will happen and it doesn't. This happened this week on MY boat and my instinct told me to hang in there but I couldn't IT WASN"T FUN. So we ran back to the bait hole, put the chum back out and brought back ALL the smiles, including mine. The kids and the parents were estatic. I went back to the dock not with a giant shark or box full of dolphin or kings but I did go back with a Boatload of smiles. it is so important that we all remember to keep things fun for the kids. They never saw the ocean and they never caught a fish before and today on the Local Knowledge they did both. And most important they will be back to catch that sailfish or whatever tugs next on their line. Call me Capt Mike at 954 522 4773 to book some fun for your family on the Local Knowledge. Check out the website at