The bass are stacked up in the canals due to the dropping water levels in the everglades.On days that the conditions are right 25 to 50 bass can be caught on a halfday trip. The fish are not large, but they make up for it in numbers.Live shinners and sinkos,trickworms and jerkbaits work best.

Fish Species: Largemouth Bass
Bait Used: sinkos
Tackle Used:
Method Used:
Water Depth: 2-4ft
Water Temperature: 68
Wind Direction:
Wind Speed:

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About The Author: Captain John Miller

Company: Old Florida Bass Guide Srevice

Area Reporting: South Florida urban canals, Everglades

Bio: Fishing guide for Largemouth and Peacock Bass. Speckle Perch. South Florida canals, Everglades, lake Okeechobee

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain John Miller