Mr. Bruce Scott and his friend Rich started the Whipasnapa Charter Boat (Biloxi,Ms) off to a strong start this week. The duo had some really nice sheepshead on that magic bait! They just kept a few to take over and have it cooked up. But boy they really had a few good'ens. Around 15 total, a couple nice 8lbers an all the others were the 4 to 6lb fish...
A solo fisherman fished Thursday couple hours and he finally managed one them Big Back Bay Reds and a few Black Drum on just a couple hour excursion.
Mr. Jay King and friend from Memphis, Tennessee fished a few hours Friday and smashed the Puppy Drum. Both these trips were not keeping and did not want their picture taken. I did keep a couple and cleaned them up for some very dear friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Payne celebrated their anniversary aboard the Whipasnapa Saturday and they tied into a few big Reds also, but the Reds won for the most part. They kept fishing hard and had faith, and finally netted a pair... with few black drum, and a flounder.
Went out to the Island Sunday afternoon, wanted to chum the bar for lil just to see what was happening out there. And in about 4 hours worth had three Bull Reds and one crack ya back Jack!!! No Sharks or Cobia yet. But the water is getting right for them to show up any day now!! Get your dates ready!!!
Several tournaments coming up and if you like catching Sharks, Cobia and Reds this is the way to go. Could win some good money and catch some really good fish.
One tournament runs from April 15- May 15, 2011. One day Cobia shootout is April 30, 2011. The Big $80,000 dollar tournament is May 6,7,and 8th, 2011 so come moan down here and let's WIN!!! WIN!!! WIN!!!!
Capt Robert "Earl" McDaniel