Had some very nice fish to finish out the Fluke season today...got in a couple hours before the wind started to honk and current ran too hard. Mike Gifford Jersey City, N.J. landed a very nice 7 pound fish for the last pool of the season...Bill Horne is the winner of the boats seasonal Big Fish pool.(Assuming we don't get out on Sunday)..
Bill's fish weighed in at 10 pounds 4 ounces and was the first Fluke he ever caught!!! Congrads from all of us to a great guy who is now "Hooked on Fishing". Keeping my fingers crossed on the storm coming up the coast, hopefully it will be outta here fast and not do too much damage. We start back next Saturday fishing for Bass and Blues, actually had 3 Bass on the boat today. The afternoon Bluefish trips, Sat. & Sunday will continue as long as the customers keep coming. Fishing has been excellant for Blues......Be back in a week. Capt.ron