Lousy weather in the AM kept the customers home today. Ended up with 8 good die hards, including Joe, Andy and Louie, my Monday regs. Couldn't dissapoint the boys so we went fishing. Had good conditions to start the morning only the fish didn't know it! Had a couple shorts and 1 keeper on 2 drifts in the channel, got outta there. Tried another area, crap. Went to Ambrose, nice drift, a few shorts. By now I'm ready to scream..should have stayed in bed!! Hung in there and kept searching, pretty good swell coming in didn't help the picture. From slack into the incoming the bite turned on, thank god! Good action on smaller fish with some keepers (finally) mixed in. Joe Handley had the big one for the pool, for the second week in a row, only problem was, you couldn't buy a large coffee with what was in it today!!!! Weather looks good for the rest of the week...capt.ron