Saturday AM we had the crew from Quick Response..Had a shot of Nice keepers, despite the parking lot, and that was it!! Way too much traffic for such a small area..Capt. Frank went back out in the afternoon to the same area, had a nice bite and ended up with 18 keepers up to 22 pounds! Several shorts at 27 inches so the action was much better than what we had in the morning.
Today we had another Charter with the Richard Wedinger crew...barely could find a parking spot by the time we got there, spent an hour and a half trying to catch at least one Bass for the group, NG! Went Fluking and had non-stop action for the rest of the day.
Not a whole lot of keepers, but to put smiles on the peoples faces made it worth it! Capt. Frank is back out this afternoon, let's see if the bite turns on for him.
Bunkers everywhere you go. Out East, In the Bay, down the beach for miles, maybe these babies are STUFFED!!! And the Full Moon is a good excuse also...capt.ron