Huli Cat departed on a Chilipepper, yellowtail rockfish study yesterday. Recreational alngers do not pay to fish, they are the designated anglers to help in the study. We stopped for the yellowtail first, the science team was extremely happy witht he fishing under 50 fathoms. A bocaccio was kept for the name of science, the big vermillion was descended. Ran out to deeper water for the chilipepper part of the study. Great marks, but we kept loosing the fish on the hooks. We would pull up the lines, and then net the fish that floated up and were being picked on by seagulls. Hit several spots before the science team said we had enough. Interestingly, one spot that showed marks about 120 deep from the bottom that looked promising - was market squid! We hit a couple crab pots on the way in, and got back about dusk.
Chilipepper Rockfish Study
Yellowtail & bocaccio rockfish retained
Sabrina descends a nice vermillion
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