May 13th. 2011 - Matt acheived his Inshore Slam today with a large 37in. Snook, Redfish and 50 Trout on the fly rod. It was a great day considering it was Friday the 13th. Just a few days before the Full Moon and strong tidal flow seamed to make it all the difference. The Snook and Redfish were caught on live Scaled Sardines and all the trout (50) were on the fly rod.
Clearwater Florida fishing charters
2011-05-28 20:07:23
Clearwater, Florida - Saltwater Fishing Report
Clearwater Beach to Tarpon Springs

Fish Species: Snook, Redfish and Trout
Bait Used: Scaled Sardines
Tackle Used: light spinning and fly rod
Method Used: live bait and fly fishing
Water Depth: 1-10
Water Temperature: 82
Wind Direction: easterly
Wind Speed: 5-10

big 35 inch snook

matts redfish
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