This morning the stripers were on the surface in only a couple feet of water with a falling tide. They were very showy taking a popper on the surface after batting it into the air several times. Even though I have seen stripers chasing bait on the surface hundreds of times it is still the most exciting fishing I ever do. Of course there can be little doubt that the fisherman will catch fish when a frenzy like that is underway but still my adrenalin certainly gets going.
This morning was the first time in quite a while that we had some really small stripers to the boat we had a couple that were less than a foot long! Of course they were mixed in with fish from 18 to 26 inches so it was always a surprise to see the fish. I have another party this evening unusual for me but the only slot I had open that would fit these folks' schedule. I am looking forward this evening and the next few mornings on the water.