Today I had the pleasure of fishing w/ a Eric M from Mass- He's the NE rep for Diawa. A good contact to have;). It's the 3rd time this year I've taken him but the 1st time for kings- It wasn't long before he was tight to his 1st ever salmon
it was on for 5-6 minutes only to spit the hook as it escaped down stream-
There wasn't much of a ''run'' but a fewcoming thru every 1/2 hour or so, but on the bright side there were very few guys around.
Anyways about an hour after his first hook-up he was tight to his next fish. This time he tamed the beast and beached a big fresh hen!
I think he's hooked!
His friend Bernie was also w/ us but has taken plenty of kings all over the river years past- he managed to tangle w/ a few landing one as well. He said it was more fun seeing the BIG guy take his first one
I even had several on and landed one myself- BIG FUN!!
Tomorrow I'll be trolling on the Lake w/ Eric, Bernie and Rick(Hoyt rep:D)
W/ a bit of LUCK we'll be into some bright kings and hos- I did hear the cohos were showing up in good numbers off the river this am.