Toledo Bend Fishing Report
Greg Crafts-Guide, Toledo Bend Guide Service
And Lake Cottage

The lake is 169.71 ft msl, high pool is 172 ft msl. The water temp has been running in the mid 40s the past couple weeks but the temp is
gradually rising each day with today reaching into the low 60s in theback of the coves. The very north end of the main lake is stained along
with the feeder creeks but clearing everyday. SRA has cut back on generating from both generators to one generator running from 5am to
11am and 6pm to midnight.

We've had some extremely cold weather and high winds the last couple weeks resulting in below normal temperatures for this time of year.

Subsequently, resulting in some difficult fishing conditions especially for the Crappie and the Blacks. However, we've been able to head to the
river and on most days limit out on some huge White Bass. There have been a few slow days, but overall we've been able to limit out in short
order once you locate them. Live bait is working best (crawfish if you can find them, otherwise shiners will work). Road Runners and traps are
also putting some in the boat.

The shallow bite is getting better everyday as the water warms up. Day before yesterday one angler reported 17 keeper bass in 2 to 4ft of water on spinner baits and scatter-baits. High pressure moved in the next day and he was only able to boat one bass in the same area. The Crappie are also starting to move into the shallows but they are scattered. They'll start bunching up as the water continues to warm.

The forecast is looking up with temperatures expected to be in the 70s for the next week or so. This should warm the water up and you'll start
seeing a lot more activity in the spawning areas. The spawn is starting a little later than we've been use to seeing in prior years and old man
winter seemed to drag on longer than we'd like but it looks like the fishing is getting ready to bust wide open any day. So, clean up all your gear and get ready to catch a lot of fish.


Greg Crafts
Toledo Bend Guide Service & Lake Cottage
159 Toledo Forest
Shelbyville, TX 75973

Fish Species: Bass
Bait Used:
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About The Author: Captain Greg Crafts

Company: Toledo Bend Guide Service

Area Reporting: Toledo Bend

Bio: Hi! I'm Greg Crafts, your fishing guide for Toledo Bend Reservoir. I own and operate Toledo Bend Guide Service. If you're ready to catch fish, I'm ready to show you where and how. And if you want great accommodations for your stay at Toledo Bend Lake, you'll really enjoy my Toledo Bend Cottage.

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain Greg Crafts