Huli Cat fished the Farallon Islands on Friday, June 27. The water at the Farallon's is still too cold to get a good old fsahioned Farallon Island 'wide open rockod bite' to happen. The 50 degree water makes for slow fishing, although anglers do limit every day. Those that fish hard get their limit, others who are more casual, catch fish but might not limit. This year, we are limited to 120 feet of depth. Lots of fish appear on the fishfinder, the bite is not to exciting as the water is cold. When it warms up 5 to 6 degrees, expect the bite to significantly improve. Anglers are getting limits, but you have to work hard. Today we fished west of the Pimple. Lots of china's, brownies, quillback on teh hardheads. A few blues and yellowtail on the school fish. Lingcod for those that work the bottom.