Well don't seem like they want the WHIPASNAPA or the lil'whipa to participate in helping clean up their little mess, so guess we'll keep on fishing boating and enjoying our lil CHEESEBURGER IN PARADISE, only running North of CSX railroad bridge which is the Biloxi Back Bay.
Don't make much since to me that fish on one side of bridge is contaminated and not on the other but hey I just try to obey the rules not make them. So lets do some catch and release or eat at own risk. NA! if they have the oil in them we would be able to smell it when cleaning'um up!
Ran two small trips this past weekend 1 crew from N. Georgia and 1 from Tenn. Both just a good day, just enough to get by on. Few specks but most under size couple nice flounders few white trout an Ground mullet, lady fish an a nice trophy Black Drum or two with a few eater drum.
Some really good fishing fixen take place in the Back Bay. Got a big flush with all the rain last week, but the salinity and the fish are returning. Should be able to get on some specks, flounders, reds, white trout, ground mullet, black drum, spanish and lady fish have been hung coming in also.
So hey let's do the dang thang! 1/2 day 300 full day 425 covers 4
Lets get the kids out summer break just about over; Thanks to all:::::::::::
Capt Robert McDaniel