Fish are scattered throughout the whole water column with a 10 degree change from the surface to 150 foot down. You have a chance of catching fish 15 foot down and 120 foot down. Saturday we fished from 120 to 180 foot of water and we caught lake trout in 130 foot of water and salmon in 150 to 170 foot of water. The Chinook salmon are running in the mid to high teens with Coho salmon weighing in 5 to 10 pounds.
Saturday we had only one lure that went more than one time (silver flasher and mirage fly on 300 copper) and the dozen hits were scattered from 30 foot down to 120 foot down on Stingray spoons and Pro Troll Flashers and Rapture flies. 200, 300 and 450 foot of copper produced hits with divers at 200 and 250 foot of line and downriggers at 40 to 120 foot down.
For more information about Saugatuck Fishing or to make a charter reservation, feel free to email me at