Fort Lauderdale Fishing May 1st
What a great day of fishing off Fort Lauderdale today for Mario, Gary, Tom, Rob, Ben and Tony all from south Florida. We started on the troll and crushed the bonitas by putting 20 in the box and releasing some others. We also caught a mahi mahi, a blackfin tuna and a 20# kingfish. The highlight came when we were kitefishing for sail fish and a 150# hammerhead ate the bait instead. Tom worked on the fish for 40 minutes on 20# line before the leader gave way just yards from the boat but not before everyone got a look at the big beast. Next time Tom, Next Time.
The next couple of days were a little slow with some sporadic catches of king fish and bonitas but on the 7th we pulled it out once again while many other boats were Struggling. We found a couple of packs of nice mahi mahi on the troll and then put the kites up in hopes of a sailfish. That dream came true for Pete, Pat, Matt, Jacob and Chelsea. We fought the great fish for about 30 minutes before releasing it afer a couple of great photos. Way to break the slump guys!