Space Coast Fishing Report from Spotted Tail 2/3/08

Upcoming Events:

-On February 12 I'll be speaking to the Backcountry Flyfishing Association in Orlando. Contact Bill Norton at 407.620.7639 for more information.

-On March 30 I'll be giving a program at the FFF Flyfishing Expo in Lakeland, Florida.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Is this a great country, or what!?!?

Before the actual fishing report, a few words about the Somerset Fly Fishing Show-

While I'm at the show, most of my time is spent at my fly tying desk. That's why they invite me. Since I try to be responsible, that's pretty much where I stay. There's a lot of the show I never see. However, I did find a GREAT new product for fishermen, one that almost everyone who uses fishing line and who has the slightest amount of environmental consciousness, needs. Called the Monomaster, it is a waste line holder. All those little pieces of line that you generate every time you change flies or lures are just fed into the device, which is small, easily carried, easily used, and easily emptied. See a picture of it here, or visit their website at

I also saw two of my favorite artists there. Alan James Robinson uses nautical charts as the "canvas" for his paintings of fish and other wildlife. Mark Sussino specializes in underwater scenes, usually involving gamefish. Both are excellent artists. While I've never had the pleasure of fishing with Alan, I've fished with Mark a couple of times and he's an excellent fly angler, too. Visit their websites and check out their work. I think you'll like it, too.

Monday afternoon Tom Van Horn called and invited me to join he and Chris Myers on a no motor zone expedition on Tuesday. I jumped at the chance, since Tom has access to areas I do not. Tuesday morning found us launching from the NASA Causeway.

I'm not going to say we tore them up. The weather was beautiful in the morning. I found a large school of surprisingly small (10 pounds or so) black drum. I called Tom and he said he and Chris had found a school of large drum that I'd paddled past without seeing! I got two of the smaller fish, and Chris got one of the behemoths that was about 40 inches long. I went over to see if I could get one but by the time I got there the school was spooked and steaming off, pushing up a large wake. Good stuff.

I kept searching and found a large school of big reds. They were far from suicidal. After working it for about 30 minutes I got one to take a black redfish worm. There was only about two feet of fly line out of the rod when he took. I was all crouched down hoping they wouldn't see me! The fish was a big one, 25 pounds anyway. I fought it for ten or twelve minutes and was gaining ground when the hook pulled out. I pulled the fly in to check it and the hook was bent out to a 90 degree angle.

I had several shots at tailing drum. None paid any attention to the fly.A big gator chased me off one pod by giving me a threat display and growling at me. I hooked one more redfish before we left, and lost him too when the hook, not bent out, pulled. I ended up with two drum and a barely legal trout. Had two reds on but couldn't get the slam…

Wednesday Shawn Healy and I launched the Mitzi at River Breeze. While we found some fish, they were by no means thick. We couldn't get any to eat and only got a single strike, which I didn't connect on, all day.

Thursday Scott Radloff and I launched at Parrish Park, and hunted for fish all the way up past Scottsmoor. While we found a few fish we couldn't get them to eat and did not even get a bite.

Friday Dr. George Yarko and I launched at River Breeze. It was cloudy and windy. We found a few fish and while we certainly did not have a career day, he did get a single redfish and a beautiful trout of about 25 inches. It was good to handle a fish again!

Yesterday I ran the Show and Tell at the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. I had six people come, a small turnout, but we had beautiful weather and everyone learned a lot.

Today I watch the Super Bowl, and take care of this fishing report and other administrative business. Since I grew up in suburban Boston you know I will root for the Patriots. I will also understand that there are way more important things than football, though.

Life is short- GO FISHING!!!

Life is great and I love my work!

John Kumiski

member Florida Outdoor Writers Association (, Southeastern Outdoor Press Association (, Indian River Guides association (

Fish Species: Seatrout, redfish, black drum
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About The Author: Captain John Kumiski

Company: Spotted Tail Fishing Charters

Area Reporting: East Central Florida

Bio: Fishing is in my blood. Blame it on my father. I've been tying flies since I was a child and have caught fish in 14 states and 10 countries. My life list on fly currently contains 59 species, and I continue to work on it. I specialize in sight fishing with fly and light tackle for any fish that will take a bait, lure, or fly. I teach fishing classes at Brevard Community College, and am the instructor at the Andy Thornall Fly Fishing for Redfish School. The FFF has certified me as a Fly Casting Instructor. I am proud to be a member of the Coastal Conservation Association, the Federation of Fly Fishers, the Indian River Guides Association, the Florida Outdoor Writers Association, and the Southeastern Outdoor Press Association. I have been a three term president of the Indian River Guides Association, a two term president of the Backcountry Fly Fishing Association, and a two term vice president of the Florida Outdoor Writers Association. I organize an annual fishing day for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Florida. I have been selected as a Top Rated Guide. Nine boats of various types call my yard home. I am always ready to talk fishing and can be reached via my website,

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain John Kumiski