Capt.Francisco, I want to say thanks for the great time my wife and I had fishing for tarpon with you! The fishing was fantastic with lots of fish site. It was one of my most memorable fishing trips of my life, and I have been on a bunch.
When my first fish breached the water, the most amazing sight I must say, and you said "My friend that is a fish of a lifetime" I new I was into a personal trophy. Two hours and forty five minutes later I landed my trophy tarpon, it was a 95 pound monster of a fish. That fish pulled us around and out to sea before she gave up. Couldn't count the number of times this fish jumped out of the water and spooled my line. You couldn't wipe the smile off of my face, for that matter I couldn't wipe the smile off my face because I couldn't move my arms�. It was a fish of a lifetime!
Francisco, your expertise is what got me into those fish and it is truly appreciated. Your hospitality, knowledge and hard work are what set you apart from all the other guides I have fished with.
Thanks again and hope to see you next year!