November went out with a bang here in regards to Fort Lauderdale fishing opportunities. Back to back cold fronts pushed schools of migrating Sailfish into our area. These fronts and a slight north current moved these fish south and eventually for the most part just below us. As late month fronts weakened when they moved into our area we were able to fish regularly due to less than forecast wind conditions. This is always a bonus. The biggest bonus was a south current near the end of November which coupled with a weakened front caused these same Sailfish to move back north (rapidly) concentrating just off the outside reef line ,and we were able to get on them again November's final front (Thanksgiving) sent them back south and thru us again.
We look for December to offer continued Sailfish opportunities. We would be very fortunate to experience a repeat of these situations, but most days will offer a chance for Sailfish thru the month.
More and more Wahoo will be taken as we fish our way thru December. King Mackerel will be here, but some days will be a struggle to limit out if you pick them as your primary target (some good sized fish will be taken).
Smaller schools of Dolphin will be available as they were last month. Most will be taken in less than 700 feet of water, often inside of 200 feet. The majority of these fish will be larger than our typical summer caught Dolphin. Ballyhoo schools will be concentrated in depths of 20 to 50 feet, and these school Dolphin love to get inside and jump these baitfish. We will be looking for Sailfish to occasionally be on these same schools of bait. Swordfishing can be very good, but weather will once again limit the number of comfortable fishing days/nights that far offshore.
Copts Rick & Steve @ Marlin My Darlin Sportfishing