The Sturgeon are active and in the river. It's the same every year, from mid May through to late June we experience some good highwater fishing. Most fish will be from 4-6 feet(50-125 lbs but fish over 200 lbs are encountered often!
From July to November this is considered peak time and our fish average 5 - 7.5 feet(75-225 lbs). The legend of the Sturgeon as being a epic battle of man vs beast is nothing short of truth! These dinosaurs of the depths love to scream line of your reel and throw themselves clear out of the water, sending your heart pounding and your arms straining! I have heard it so many times: "Brian! how can a fish fight so hard?" expletives deleted.
We welcome you to join us on our Sturgeon trips and experience what anglers from all over will remember for the rest of their lives.
Silversides is a full service company offering custom tailored fishing packages. Our close friends in the hospitality industry will look after you when your not on the water with us.
We know this business of fishing!