The brand new, 90 ft Gambler fished offshore wrecks on Saturday and customers had limit catches of 3 to6 lb sea bass, along with a few big porgies, ling and a pollock. All our offshore trips have been very good so far.
The Gambler is sailing every Thursday and Saturday for the offshore wrecks (50 to 100 miles offshore). We leave at 1:00 AM and return by 5 or 6 in the evening. Trip is limited to 40 passengers or less, so you need to make a reservation. Cost is $165.00. Bunks are available.
On the other days, everyday except Thurs and Sats, we will be headed for wrecks 20 to 40 miles offshore, targeting cod, ling and pollock. These trips were very popular last winter. They leave 7:00 AM and return by 5:00 PM. No reservation is needed for the 20 to 40 mile trips. Cost is $70.00 and senior and child fares are discounted.
Call us at 732-295-7569 or e-mail to