Miss Judy Charters
Captain Judy Helmey
"Kicking Fish Tail Since 1956!"
124 Palmetto Drive
Savannah, Georgia 31410
912 897 4921 or 912 897 3460 fax
October 1, 2007
Captain Judy's Saltwater Fishing Report
Which includes:
Inshore report, Offshore Report, Freshies Suggestions, and "Little Miss Judy's Believe It or Not!" (Story)
King Mackerel
The fall/winter run is running "full force!" The meaning of this last statement is the fact that they are here. However, these fish are still governed by the pressures that the different weather patterns deliver. With that being said, "they will bite, but not everyday!" The reason being is that we have had one after another system "hang and then finally moving across our area!' These systems with their "funky pressures" cause this fish to bite funny.
While I am thinking about it I must bring you up to speed on live lining for king mackerel especially during the time of the year. In the spring and summer it has been determined that king fish hit live baits hard. When the fall/winter patterns gets started it seems that their take when live bait is their target, that they must chew it a bit before they devour it. This boils down to letting the kings eat a bit before setting the hook. In some cases I suggest lifting the rod up and allowing the fish to set it. "Wildly setting of the hook" will lose you a king mackerel fish especially at this time of the year. When a king hits bait they are normally making way. As soon as they feel any sort of un-natural pressure they make that "sprint signature run!" Lifting of the rod sets the hook more solidly. When you take advantage of the "screaming run of the fish" while throwing in "rod lifting" this situation becomes a great working pair of events!