Capt. Tom DePersia of Bigfish II Charters out of Marshfield,Mass. reports good fishing on Stellwagen Bank and Cape Cod Bay. The BIG NEWS this week is a major Giant Tuna bite off the Provincetown/Pickett Hill Bar area. There has been as many as 15-20 known giant tuna bites on live bluefish every day and several fish boated every day in the 700-1,000 lb. category.The Stephen Elmes party of Kingston ,MA had a giant Tuna chase their live bluefish bait three times clear out of the water before the tuna got the bluefish and ate it. After a short struggle Capt. Jeff got the hook back. Although there has been some school tuna seen in the area, they haven't been biting well this week. Large schools of school tuna have been reported by spotter planes just south of us and headed our way.
Cod/Haddock fishing continues excellent with cod to 32 lbs. and lots of haddock 8 to 13 lbs. to fill the coolers with fillets. Some wolffish, pollack, and cusk are being caught on most charters.
Striped bass fishing has improved this week and there are tons of bluefish everywhere off P-town.
Shark fishing was slow this week.