In the Gulfstream east of Fort Pierce, Folorida, 'Golden Tilefish' live in their burrows on the ocean floor in approx 580'-850' of water. Fished to dangerously low levels by commercial longliners in the 1970s and 80s, current regulations have eased the pressure on this species to some extent and tilefish stocks appear to be rebounding, albeit slowly.
Golden Tilefish on the Mango
2010-06-16 07:32:51
Fort Pierce, Florida - Saltwater Fishing Report
Offshore Treasure Coast

Fish Species: Golden Tilefish
Bait Used: Squid
Tackle Used: 650 Crystals
Method Used: Deep Drop
Water Depth: 580'-800'
Water Temperature: Warm
Wind Direction:
Wind Speed:
Golden Tilefish
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