This Guatemala fishing report is for the week ending
December 10th 2007 and is prepared by
operating out of the new Pez Vela
It's dark up there at the moment there is just about no moon
to facilitate feeding at night, and that seems to have made
the billfish concentrate in packs. If you've ever seen the
wonderful footage on natural history programs of pods of Sailfish
working together corralling bait into tighter and tighter balls, you
will have a good image of what the fishing in Guatemala is like
at the moment.
Finding the bait and the blue water is almost guaranteed to find
sails (and sometimes marlin) in good concentrations. Sometimes
these bait balls are relatively close to each other, and sometimes
they are widely dispersed. The fleet has been finding them this
past week at distances ranging from 10 40 miles from the
dock but once a working area is found, it has been possible to
fish it the whole day with continuous action.
Our groups fishing this week had consistent action throughout the
day, and for the most part after a relatively short run of about 12
miles. Talk about consistent fishing on Friday we had 3 groups
out on our boats, and two boats returned in the evening having
brought 20 sailfish to the boat (thankfully they were all members
of Kim Graham's party !) so the betting had to be deferred to the
next day. The Buchel party, not to be outdone, wished that they had
been part of the sweep, returning to the dock a few minutes later
with a final tally of 24 sailfish caught.
Amazing (fun) Fishfact of the week :
Starfish have eight eyes one at the end of each leg ..amazing
but true !
A strong Marlin
bite, good numbers of Sailfish raise and caught and even
food for the table .things are fishing well in the
rich fishing grounds off the Pacific Coast of Guatemala.
The boats are ready, the crews are primed come down and enjoy
the buildup to what we hope is going to be a great season
fishing with The Great Sailfishing Company
We still have availability for some of the popular dates, so don't
wait, give us a call at 1-877-763-0851 or send us an email (below)
to check on dates we would look forward to welcoming you to
some of the finest fishing anywhere.
Our Favorite Fishing Quote for the week:
" There is certainly something in angling that tends to
produce a serenity of mind"
~ Washington Irving
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or to register for our weekly fishing report and other
> information please click here :