The short story, 13 limits of rockfish. Nice quillbacks, vermillions, big island quality yellows, the regular Farallon Island smorgasbord. Chinas, lings, and so on. Even with the five hour run time round trip, we were still back in the harbor early, even though we left late.
The weather man. What is up with the weather man? Forecast called for 14 to 18, Point & Click alluded to a washing machine. The SF buoy was 7 knots and the HMB buoy was 14 knots. I pinned my hope on the SF buoy, made the run and never saw 9 knots of breeze. 7 to 8 knots was tops. I think one of the big problems is, the lack of good weather devices on the Island itself. The biologists are (were?) supposed to call in a report. I never heard it on the reports today. What is needed is some good automated meteorological equipment that updates every hour like the buoys. The rest of the story is we were back in the harbor with limits by 2PM.