I had folks that wanted to salmon fish, folks that wanted to rockfish and a couple that wanted to see whales while fishing. I told the salmon people salmon had been slow, said do you want to fish all day or go home with something to eat and a little more action. I asked the rockfish folks if they would mind a little salmon fishing to check and see if the fish were still down below the Deep Reef. We might see the whales that had been hanging out there for so long. All agreed and we went out to 275 ft below and outside the Deep Reef. Not a whale to be seen, ominous. There was extremely good nutrient rich water and a few scattered murre birds, so we put the lines in. Someone dropped their rod overboard. Not long after, somene complained they must of hooked a jellyfish, since it was tough to bring in and no fight. The angler caught the missing rod and niether person lost their weight!!! Four boats out, no one caught a fish. 12 miles below the Islands, one boat found the whales, silvers, shakers. 1/3 of the Huli Cat is seasick, hooked a fish that came in like dead weight. Dead, dead weight. A crab pot submerged? Buttoned down the drag and cranked. A big old white belly, long fish, I thought white seabass, but they usually have a blistering first run. A novice angler catches his first salmon ever - 29 pounds. Hoping to get out of the wind, we ran into San Gregorio for rockfish, then down to Pescadero, get the sick folks minds off just sitting staring at rods. Good quality hardheads, not much on schoolfish. One of the passengers who was the most sick all day, said she heard I had crabpots, could they go see them? Pulled enough crab for 1.5 per angler and came in a little after 4pm.
Huli Cat Combo for 6/18

Capt Tom Mattusch & Arthur Taylor, 29#
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