Huli cat started the day about as normal as possible, with a plan for a rockfish and lingcod trip. Even that was a risk, considering the weather forecast of 20 to 30 knots and 9 ft swell every 7 seconds plus a SW swell every 16 seconds. Intellicast told me the coast may escape the wrath of Mother Nature. Rolling the dice, I did not cancel and am now glad I didn't. We went out for rockfish with 26 anglers from Wilderness Unlimited. Huge swell, even a bit Daunting and disconcerning. A few folks were very late, a phone call revealed they misunderstood the departure time, so they went out on New Capt Pete on the 7am trip, as I arranged alerternate passage. Huli Cat was scheduled for a 6am trip. Horrible snappy swell, even at 9am, I wouldn't have placed money on limits of rockfish. Actually, we finished with limits by Noon in the Tunitas Creek/San Gregorio area! Great variety, even saw a number of Widow Rockfish as shallow as 120 ft, which bodes well for recoverey of the species. On the way in slowly to give the Deckhands, Lee & Mike, time to clean the fish, I keep getting messages from Flanagin about Salmon, "let's go out! WFO! Another post with slamon! Come on! Let's go!' It was the quintissential 20 something talking to the 60 something. Except that we went.
Huli Cat Rockfish & Lingcod

Bill Sorrenti Vermillion
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