January has started off with a bang. The first few days were cold and this really heated up the channel and Barracuda fishing around Key west. The channels have been producing huge amounts of Jacks, Pompanos, Red fish, Lady fish, Look downs, Blue runners and spinner sharks. The Barracudas showed up in good numbers on both the ocean and gulf flats.
After the beginning we saw a fantastic warming trend that ended 2 days ago. The water temp started to break 70 for the first time in quite awhile. This warming trend brought theTarpon and the Permit in. I fished with long time client Matt Calceterra on a flat calm morning where we went 1 for 4 on tarpon and had several shots wading for tailing Permit. My last trip i fished with joe Grey from New jersey. We started fishing the channels outback and caught loads of Jacks and Pompanos and as we were leaving to fish the falling tide for Tarpon we ran over tons of floating Permit. This trend happened everywhere we went, the only problem was they were not eating the crabs we threw at them. The Tarpon were very spread out, however we did end up landing 1 around 80 pounds.