KITIMAT FISHING REPORT - July 25 - July 31, 2010 SALTWATER FISHING: Extremely good conditions for us here on the north coast over the past week. Hot temperatures and incredible salmon and bottom fishing for our guests. Coho Salmon has been very good along the outer coastal waters with a few good Chinooks being boated as well. Coho have been fishing well at a bit lower depth than usual as surface temperatures on the ocean are up a few degrees. Usual baits such as anchovy and hootchies are working well. Pink Salmon numbers are low on the north coast so catch ratio is down for them. bottom Fishing continues to be very good with excellent catches of Lingcod, Black Cod and other Rockfish. Halibut fishing is good with plenty of nice size chicken halibut being boated by our guest's. FRESHWATER FISHING: Skeena river and tributaries are fishing very well with sockeye, pink salmon, chinook salmon, coho and steelhead throughout the system. Kitimat River is low and fishing fair to good for chum salmon. A few coho salmon are now entering the system but most fishers are heading out on the ocean for good catch numbers. Mid August should see better numbers of coho in the system and provide better fishing then. Popping light marabou jigs for coho continues to grow here in the north coast as more and more new comers are learning this fine tactic. Reminder - Bait ban continues on the Kitimat until September 1st. Fly fishing for coho salmon is ideal and is an excellent way to target these species.
Kitimat Fishing Reports
2010-08-25 17:09:20
Kitimat, British Columbia - Saltwater Fishing Report
Douglas Channel
Fish Species: Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Halibut
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