Pelee Island offers some of the finest sport fishing found in North America! Known for it's trophy Smallmouth Bass fishing, with 3 to 5 pound fish common! Pelee's waters also are teeming with large Walleye and tasty Yellow Perch.
Spend a day Walleye fishing, or take two days and include a night at one of Pelee's premier B&B's, The Anchor & Wheel Inn.
On Saturday night the Anchor serves a Prime Rib buffet, with baked Walleye,pan fried Yellow Perch, Pasta and Ribs. This dinner certainly rivals anything found on the mainland. They offer service, that is second to none! Ask for Debbi or Shawnda, you'll see what I mean.
On the two day Erie Quest excursion we also tour the Pelee Island Winery and taste local wines from the Island. The following morning, we have a home cooked breakfast and then it's off to do battle with World Class Smallmouth Bass.