Fishing on Ray Bob has been pretty good the last week. The lake is still 3 feet low. Before the front I was seeing water temps as warm as 66. Yesterday and today we had temps in the low 60's. So the front didn't hurt them too bad. Water clarity didn't change much.
The bass fishing was very good before the front. Yesterday was a tougher day, but still had some decent fish. Today in the hurricane was pretty good. We are still catching alot of decent to big fish. 8" lizards and a watermelon viberator have produced most of the better fish. We did catch some on a chartruese/white as well. When the wind lets us we are doing well on the fluke.
Sam got this really nice one on the 8" lizard.
James got his personal best on the viberator. 7lb 3oz What a fatty!!!
This has already been a really good spring on Roberts and we haven't had our big wave move up. If you are looking to come out and take advantage of the fishing, give me a call or shoot me an email. Here are the next few dates I have open.
Friday April 10th afternoon for a half day, Sunday April 12th (Easter), Tuesday April 14th, Wednesday April 15th, Saturday April 25th and Sunday April 26th.
Thanks again for your support.