Sunday (Day 2) - We changed up our plan, especially after the HARD West winds on Saturday night. We ran around a little before we set down to fish. Once we did it was non stop action for a couple of hours. We started off with a quad! That's four fish on at once. Within 40 minutes we had our five fish in the boat and we were starting to increase our weight. We knew we had some NICE fish in the box. First fish took that same set-up that worked for us on Saturday. A Stinger Magnum Penguin off the 10 color down the chute. Next to go was a NK Sea Sick Waddler off the corner rigger. Then the Dreamweaver SS Glow Froggy off the other corner rigger, and lastly the NK Mulatto from the center rigger. We boated 3 out of the 4 with one being over 20lbs. Set back up and rods started to fly again! The Sea Sick Waddler took off again on the corner rigger. Then again with the Mullato off the center rigger. It was FUN! The last few fish came off the Stinger Penguin and a Smithwick Rouge on a 5 color core.
We ended up getting off the water about 11am with a nice box of Salmon. The bite died for us once the NE winds started to blow. We had the 6th biggest box of the day averaging 18lbs per fish. We finished in 35th place (half way). So, we didn't win any money but we all had a great time.