We have been working the reefs on Northern Key Largo and have been having success with Yellowtail Snapper and the occasional Mutton Snapper and Grouper. Offshore the Dolphin bite should pick up any day now. Good southeasterly winds should get the fish moving. Sailfish bite has been excellent this past week. We heard numerous reports of triple hookups. The Blackfin Tuna are also showing up on the edge and local humps. You want to have plenty of live pilchards and chum to get these fish biting. Remember these fish are boat shy and will ussually strike 50+ yards beyond your boat. There is also plenty of King Mackerel showing up on the chum slicks. A live Speedo, Blue Runner should do the trick. If no live bait a dead Ballyhoo on a stinger rig is just as effective.
Tight Lines
Captain J Lopez