Captain Judy Helmey
Miss Judy Charters
'Kicking Fish Tail Since 1956!'
124 Palmetto Drive
Savannah, Georgia 31410
912 897 4921 or 912 897 3460 fax
September 22, 2008
Happy Fish Day!
Saltwater inshore, offshore, blue water fishing report, Freshies Suggestions, and 'Little Miss Judy's story! Thanks for reading! Captain Judy
'Little Miss Judy Believe It or Not!'
Oily Waters
Old sea stories are the greatest! Some you believe while others are just to 'far fetched''with that being said, 'here goes one of those stories with plenty of back up!'
Way back when during the whaling days fishermen had their ways of 'calming the seas!' Believe me you won't hear about this on the weather channel. At any rate, during real rough sea conditions sometimes for survival it was necessary to take the roughness out of the sea. I know as you are reading this you must think I have lost my mind.
Well, back in the old days when there was such rough sea conditions barrels of whale oil would be dumped into the water around the ship. This calmed the seas, at least where the ship was. I always found this hard to believe and would always have the strangest thoughts in my head in regards to getting a mind visual on this one. There were much too many excerpts in old books as well as 'hand me down sea stories' for this not to be 'pure fact and not fiction.'
Over the years I have watched how oil deposited into the ocean have the same affects. The surface is smoother where the oil is dropped. Now, before you start screaming, 'throwing oil in the ocean!' Let me explain. Fish oils either from fishermen trying to attract fish to those down under eating produces the same sort of slick. We use a lot of menhaden oil when in the fish attracting business. The fact of the matter is in this case a little menhaden simply poured on the surface makes quite a slick. This introduced oil exactly does calm the water wherever has been poured. (I'm sure for those that remember, 'Mr. Wizard would be proud of me for sure!')
I have also seen the oils that float up to the surface when large fish are feeding on the smaller ones. There is a calm zone formed where this is taking place. The fact of the matter is where there is any sort of oil it's noticeable if you know what to look for. In this case this would be your sign that 'fish are here and feeding!'
I am always showing this to my customers. They always find it so interesting. Here's the rub on this one'. when a customers regurgitates, cascades, or for the worst term used 'throws up' a calming affect takes place on the ocean. This is just about the time where I get to bring up my favorite sea story of all times!
I love my job so much that I hope that I never have to stop physically doing it. As you all know with time this could happen, but 'as long as I have my mind I will be fine!'
Thanks for Reading!
Captain Judy
'Story Teller of all times, even if it's only in my mind!'