Howdy friends and Sierra Drifters. Best fishes to all for this "March Madness" fish report from the Eastern High Sierra. Why March madness? I am happy to report that on March 1st catch and release, barbless artificial fly and lure anglers will be able to fish the waters of the Upper Owens River, the East Walker River and Hot Creek. Most of us who have speculated about fishing these waters before the general trout season opener may become "mad" with joy after going bendo with some huge early spring fish in these areas.
I scouted the areas recently and was a little dismayed at the low numbers of fish spotted on Big Springs and the Upper Owens River. Hot Creek was a different story in some locations, the East Walkers "trickle" flows are a crime in my opinion and I will not fish here with the current releases (22cfs). Leave it alone until the flows increase and the fish spread out. I covered the Upper "O" approximately 4 river miles all told with guide dog "Strider" during a snowy, blustery day with very heavy cloud cover and did not discover near the numbers I have seen in past years around this time. There was a mixed size of fish and the larger models were lined up on the gravel in redds. Water temperature was 46 degrees below the confluence of Hot Creek. We are currently in the midst of a rare, but significant winter storm that is much needed this season and I expect the spring migration of rainbows to increase substantially in short order on the Upper "O".
Hot Creek looked great and I witnessed fish rising to midges in one of my favorite pools. You may want to consider NOT fishing the small but fertile section of Hot Creek located below the State Hatchery and above the HC Ranch. Mammoth Creek remains closed until 4-28-07 and you may not fish this creek or near its confluence to HC. This is a major spawning area for Hot Creeks wild trout. With the recent invasion and discovery of the NZMS at the hatchery facility it may be prudent to avoid any contact with the water in this section of HC further propagating its population in this critical area.
There will be some DFG fisheries folks doing angler surveys from time to time in all of these areas. The continuing year round status of these fisheries will be dependant upon how the first wave of "Tanglers" impacts the resource. Please, please, respect the rights of private property owners in all the regions, give extra loving care to properly releasing your fish and for crying out loud…use common sense with regards to the weather and road conditions! Check out the pics of the Upper Owens and Big Springs by visiting our website at Http://
Lower Owens River: Fair-good
As forecast the flows have dropped to 100cfs. The LADWP real time flow link is currently hit and miss; and it has been more miss than hit the last few days. They are doing a bunch of work on the aqueduct.
The baetis hatch is in full swing and most days you will see a "sure thing" beginning around noon with the finale ending ninety minutes later. #18 bwo patterns, 6X tippet with an 8-9 foot leader. Look for significant riffles with a foot or more water covering the bottom. The fish will hold at the bases of these runs until the emergence is in full swing. You can nymph the pools with PT's, hares ears or birds nest patterns prior to the hatch #18. Solid midge action most days for those "micro maniacs" who thrive on getting small! Olive, tiger, and zebra crystal midge's #18-22.
Drift fishing has slowed this week mostly in part to some stubborn east winds and fluctuating and lowering flows in the drift boat sections. We are still getting into some larger fish on streamers and under the right conditions some fine bwo surface action with some nice browns showing up for the camera.
Kevin Williams and Mr. Scott "Linkcredible" from San Pedro, CA spanked a bunch of trout on a recent guided drift trip down the Owens. Kev caught and released a "chiseled" rainbow. Kevin is an artist and lifeguard. Pic posted at
Pleasant Valley Reservoir: Good
The inlet section has been fishing much better since the flows have lowered and although the numbers are still on the low side historically, there are some large rainbows on the chew. Dry dropper combos with olive zebras or tigers #16-18 as the dropper are getting looks in the short river section leading into the reservoir proper. Solid baetis hatches around noon will dictate a change to bwo adult patterns #18 if you like it on top.
Tubers are still getting into some slammers between the launch ramp and the inlet trolling or chucking streamer patterns like Loebergs or Spruce-a-bu's #8-10. Keep your bugs down at the ten foot depth for best results.
The Gorge: Good
If you are willing to do some hiking and get off the "beaten" path here the catching has been very good. Dry/dry, dry dropper nymph combos in the #16-20 range will all get grabs. Mayfly and midge imitations are best.
There may be some ice and snow to deal with here after this series of storms pass so put a "whoopee cushion" in your waders to pad your fall if you hit this area under these circumstances.
Tom Loe is on the road again and will be visiting Buz's Fly Shop Too in Bakersfield on Saturday February 24th 2007 for their "Grand Opening" at the new location. Loe will be doing a Power Point presentation on fishing the waters of the Eastern Sierra as well as some major BS-ing with all in attendance. Owner Larry Goates will be inviting other pro fly fishing personalities to attend this party. Come on by and shoot the breeze, win some door prizes and get some free guidance on fishing the waters of the Eastern Sierra. The shop opens at nine and will close at 4 in the afternoon. The Power Point show starts around eleven and will be about an hour in length. Contact Buzs at 661-395-0032 or email them at
Tom will also be doing a Power Point seminar on March 31st 2007 at Bob Marriott's Fly Fishing Store in Fullerton. This show will be in conjunction with Bob's Sierra preview and there will be other industry pros and great gear on sale to get you ready for the new Sierra trout season. Put this one on your calendar and come by and talk trout, pick up guide tips and pointers on fly fishing trout in the Sierra. Contact Marriott's at 800-535-6633 and ask for Kevin Bell, or visit Bob's web at
You can pick up our Authentic & Improved Sierra Drifters Guide Flies, Sungicators & Killer Kits only at the following stand out locations (don't be fooled by any of the imitations out there!): Kittredge Sports in Mammoth Lakes, Malibu Fish'n Tackle in Thousand Oaks, The San Diego Fly Shop and Stroud's Tackle in San Diego, The Fishermen's Spot in Van Nuys, Bob Marriott's in Fullerton, Buz's Fly Shop Too in Bakersfield and online at There are links to these locations at We pride our Guide Service & Products on Innovation not Imitation!
FISH ON BABY!!! Now that I have your undivided attention we need you all to write the Cal DFG Commissioners and express your approval of the new regulations opening sections of the Upper Owens River, Hot Creek and the tailwater section of the East Walker River to year round fishing beginning on March 1st 2007. We have included a link to the new regulations and as usual you can click on the button providing important DFG news by visiting our website at DFG commission info at
We at Sierra Drifters Guide Service support the new regulations and feel the additional year round water will benefit all catch and release fisherman with little impact on the fisheries, enforcement or search and rescue organizations. Get the word out friends we need to make our opinions heard.
Be the fly friends…
Tom Loe
Sierra Drifters Guide Service