More Fish in the Bay...
Capt. Hap Farrell
Last week I said that I had not heard much about what was happening up around P-town. Well, a large number of good size stripers moved into the area call Wood End. This is the corner of the beach you go around to get up to Race Point. It seems that the schools of bass are hanging around the point there in between 30 and 50 feet of water. Umbrella rigs and vertical jigging are the two most productive methods being used now.
This change up around P-town is not all that uncommon. In this early part of the season many of the stripers are actually just moving through this area headed north. Another bunch of fish will come into the bay to replace them. Some areas will still remain active with the fish that do stay. Don't be surprised if you find that places you have caught fish before become devoid of fish for a while. Also the schools that do remain start moving to other areas. One of these areas to start looking would be the deeper water off the north edge of Billingsgate Shoals in 40 to 50 feet of water and up towards the Path. With the nice weather we had this early spring I get the feeling that most people are trying to push the summer. It will get here when it wants.
There are bluefish in the Bay. One was taken last week off the south edge of Billingsgate Shoals and I've heard that a few big bluefish have been taken up by South Sunken Meadow. One of these days when we finally get a good number of sunny days and the water warms enough these bluefish should show themselves.
I'd like to take this opportunity to let you know some of the activities that will be occurring at Rock Harbor this summer season. The first activity will be the second annual Blessing of the Fleet which will start approximately 11:30 am on the 23rd of June. For those with boats and you want to be blessed you should launch at Rock Harbor and the blessing area will be where the old Coast Guard boat is docked. High tide is 2:45 pm. so the smaller boats can go through first with the larger boats and charter boats going through around 12:15 to 12:30 pm. Last season there were a large number of observers and participants so this season we should expect an even larger crowd.
There will be other activities such as two tournaments that Rock Harbor Charter service will sponsor. There is a Harbor Day being planned by the Friends of Rock Harbor. Also mother nature has planned a large number of beautiful sunsets which everyone is invited to.
We have Memorial Day weekend on our front door. The unofficial, official beginning of the summer season. Rock Harbor and it's charter fleet invite you to come and see the boats, ask any questions you'd like, or even try out your luck on landing one of the striped bass we have out in Cape Cod Bay.
If you'd like to get out and try your hand at landing one of the striped bass we're famous for give me a call at 508-240-8267.