We have had some great chamber of commerce weather here in New Smyrna Beach the last few days. The air temperature has gotten in the low 90’s so I’m going to say it’s going to be a hot summer this year. The temperature is not the only thing that is hot on Mosquito Lagoon though. The trout bite has been on fire with multiple double digit days. There are still schools of redfish through out the Lagoon. I like to target both species early with plugs then moving over to spoons and soft plastics later in the day. Live bait has also been a good choice from shrimp to pin fish and finger mullet all work well along with cut bait. The tarpon have started to make an appearance around the New Smyrna Beach area and I expect to start seeing a better run of them in the next few weeks.
Capt Patrick Rood
Mosquito Lagoon and New Smyrna Beach Fishing Report

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