Mullet Run Winding Down Orlando Fishing Report

This is the Mullet Run Winding Down Orlando Fishing Report. It will have several parts!

How Will Global Warming Affect You???

While web surfing I came across a website that predicts the water levels on planet earth in the year 2100. You type in your zip code, and you get two maps- one in 2100 with pollution drastically curbed, and one in 2100 with things continuing the way they're going now. It ain't pretty. It will take an extraordinary run of luck for me to make it to 2100, and even if I make it and I'm in the same house I will still not have beach front property.

According to this prediction, the Indian River Lagoon will not exist anymore, the barrier islands all being submerged. It's an interesting and sobering exercise. Check it out at

Tips for Surf Fishermen

Rodney Smith has posted some tips for surf fishermen. Read them here...

Show and Tell Seminars

For those who have enquired about the seminars, first, thank you! I have been working on it. The MINWR requires more paperwork than ever before, can you believe it? Hopefully they won't make me raise the price to out of reality.

I wanted to run the seminars this month. At this point it looks like November at the earliest.


Sunday I layed around and watched the NFL all day. A complete waste of time, and yet glorious.

Monday- Boat Day! Minor repairs, cleaning, organizing, etc.

Tuesday- Scott Radloff and I ran out of the Port. The redfish were gone! :-( We found a few tarpon rolling, and Scott had a nice one on for 10 minutes or so, four or five jumps, the highlight of the day.

We did a lot of running and didn't find too much. We did find a big ball of jacks near the beach. Evidently the jacks were being herded by numerous large sharks, because as soon as I hooked one all kinds of hell broke loose. The sharks appeared out of nowhere, all lit up. My jack ran right at the boat and six feet of determined shark ate it right along the gunwale, nearly smacking into the boat, and tossing water all over us.

Scott had one eat his mullet and fought it up to the boat The beast was easily six feet long. I wish I had gotten a picture of it.

For the day we ended up hooking a nice tarpon, eight or nine sharks, one juvenile snook, a dozen jacks, a couple Spanish mackerel, and a couple bluefish. The weather was spectacular. It certainly beat a sharp stick in the eye.

Wednesday- Looking at the weather forecast, Wednesday was supposed to be the last day with west winds, with them shifting to the northeast and increasing in velocity as the weekend approached. So if I wanted to fish along the beach, this might be the last chance this week. I took it, launching at Port Canaveral.

The redfish are definitely gone. There was not much else there either. I ran north up the beach, hoping to find breaking fish, or a school of fish, or predators pounding mullet, or rolling tarpon. Something! I had two fly rods and wanted to use them.

It was a good thing I had a cast net and caught some mullet, or I would not have gotten a fish. As it was all I got were six bluefish, decent ones for east coast Florida, but nothing else. The fly rods were both exercised, but only by casting. Nary a bite came to my flies.

The numbers of mullet appear to be thinning somewhat compared to last week. It's mid-October, and the numbers of mullet last week were the best in years, so that's not surprising. I hope I can get out there a few more times before it ends entirely.

Thursday- searched for the mythical source of the Econlockhatchee. Private land surrounds Lake Conlin in Osceola County, not accessable. There's a bridge crossing at Wewahootie Road in Orange County, also on private property. Went to Hal Scott Park, pulled the bike out of the van, and went looking for the river.

I found it, not the source but as close to it as I'm likely to get. I should have brought a fishing rod because there were a few fish popping. I'll bet they don't see many anglers up there either.The bike ride was a good thing- it had been too long.

Friday- wasn't going to go out but Alex asked me to take him and his babe. Forecast NE at 15, we went to the Indian River Lagoon. Not much has changed there since last week. The alligator that follows you is still there. There were ladyfish at the power station. Alex hooked a nice trout on a jerkbait but it came unglued. There were not a lot of mullet, not like it should be now.

And that is this week's Mullet Run Winding Down Orlando Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!


All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2015. All rights are reserved.

Fish Species: tarpon, bluefish, redfish
Bait Used:
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About The Author: John Kumiski

Company: Spotted Tail Charter Service

Area Reporting: Florida's Space Coast

Bio: Guiding fly and light tackle anglers on Florida\'s Space Coast for over 20 years.

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Fishing Guide John Kumiski