Fishing in the Myrtle Beach/Murrells Inlet area is getting better. The bait pods are on the move in Murrells Inlet.Some nice catches of Flounder have been caught this week in the Murrells Inlet/Myrtle Beach area. Spanish have been seen busting glass minnows and have got some using trolling spoons.Murrells Inlet/Myrtle Beach should start cooling off the later in Sept. Hope to see some Trout and some nice Red Drum around also.After the 1st the traffic should slow down in the Murrells Inlet/Myrtle Beach area and we can get back to fishing with out all the congestion.
The spot run will hit Murrells Inlet soon also!
Everyone make sure your boat is up to it,don't have to be towed back to the Murrells Inlet landing for it will cause one heck of a mess!
Good luck to all fishing the Murrells Inlet/Myrtle Beach area and be safe out there!
Capt. Shannon Currie Murrells Inlet SC