Jeff Vannoy (Pensacola, FL) fishing out of Crocodile Bay went looking for roosterfish near Matapalo Rock and although he didn't get his roosterfish he certainly caught something to crow about. The crew and Jeff were surprised to see a 120 plus pound tarpon take to the air when Vannoy set the hook. After over an hour on 20lb spin tackle they lifted the fish for a quick photo and set it free.
Over the years tarpon have passed through the Panama Canal into Pacific waters. We hook three or four a year and land one now and then. "I thought
I was losing my mind the first time I saw one roll in the Golfo Dulce back in 1995," commented Todd Staley Fishing Director at Crocodile Bay. Having run Archie Fields Lodge in the early 90's Staley has a soft spot for tarpon. "It's great to see tarpon on this side now and then but I don't think their ready to be featured in our brochure."